Farm Tales
6 min readDec 18, 2021

Farm Tales Chapter 9 -His past

Grandma Bea didn’t know what to say, totally paralyzed by all those questions. It was expected that one day she would have to tell her grandson the truth, she just didn’t expect it to happen so soon. She wondered why this was happening as she tried to formulate some answers to these questions. However, to her salvation, Grandpa Ben, who was hiding and listening to the whole conversation, appeared before them, and said: — George, sit down here, by my side. We will tell you everything that happened. — At this point Ben began to tell how the boy arrived at the farm. — It was an ordinary day; I was tending the garden when I saw a puff of smoke nearby. I thought that someone had set fire to the plantation, so I stopped what I was doing and ran towards it. When I got there, I realized that it was just dry leaves burning in the sun, since it was a very hot and dry morning. At least, that’s what I thought. I put out the fire and as I was walking back to my work, I heard a baby crying near the trees. For a moment, I was surprised. It was practically impossible for a child to be there, but when I got closer… you were there, tiny. I didn’t know how you had gotten there, but I immediately took you home to your Granny to take care of you. — The man paused observing his grandson, his voice transmitting melancholy, as if all the memories of that day were vivid in his mind. — George, we don’t know who your parents are, the other day we went to the police, but there were no cases of a missing baby. We also searched the nearby towns, asked several people, and nobody knew anything. So, we decided to take care of you, to raise you. No matter what they tell you or what you are thinking, we don’t know what happened to your parents and the reasons why they did this to you. We just know one thing, that we have loved you since the first day you came to this place. You are our family, and this farm is yours. A smile formed on the older woman’s lips as her wrinkled fingers glided through the younger man’s dark strands. She could see the confused look on the younger man’s face, so it wasn’t long before his voice echoed, bringing with it a question: — But… They didn’t leave a note. Or anything so that I could find them? — No, the only thing you had was black clothes, with a “V” symbol, and this necklace you wear — said Grandma Bea. — There’s something else, George. It is a little strange what we will tell about you, but when we took you home, and while your grandma was cleaning you, a strong glow came from the necklace along with a voice saying that you were important to the universe and that your name was George. At the time, we were startled, we thought it was some kind of ghost, but it was quick. And that’s why we call you George to this day — completed Ben. George began to think about everything the two had talked about, and though he tried to understand, part of him could not. Had he been abandoned? Had his parents ever cared about him? Why didn’t they leave a note? — My grandson, I know it is difficult. If we knew something that could lead you to your parents, we would tell you. But to this day we have never had a clue as to their whereabouts, we don’t know if they are the ones who left you here or if someone else did. We don’t even know if they are alive! So, forgive us, George. — Forgive what, Grandpa? You rescued me, adopted me, and took care of me until today as if I were your son. If anyone must ask for forgiveness, it is me. The only thing I can say is that I am very happy and grateful for everything. This moment, George embraced his grandparents with all his strength, because he knew everything, they had done for him, and how much they loved him. George had not been going to school for a week, because his grandparents had been worried after the incident with Tony and wanted the boy to be able to rest. However, after discovering a part of his past, he felt calmer and even ready to get back to his routine. However, something unexpected came up in the middle of this. His grandfather had taken ill during the week, the man was already old, and his body was asking for rest. During the medical examination, the doctor had made it clear that he could only do simple things on the farm and that rest was essential, so, with this in mind Bea and Ben thought about hiring new employees to help with the farm tasks. Meanwhile, on the hill a little way behind the farm Reborn, a person contemplated all that beauty. — I finally found it, I hope I can find it there. I’m sure it’s here, but why did you come here and not look for me? The unknown man had an item in his hand that emitted a considerably weak red signal. He took a short time to observe the area and then started to descend the mountain in the direction of the farm. Meanwhile, Ben — who had snuck out, heedless of the doctor’s directions — got on his horse to take the rest of the handwritten papers that talked about the vacancies on the property back to town. The papers would be placed in spots that everyone could see. It would be a quick thing, so the man was sure he would be back before people started to miss his presence. As he was about to leave, Grandma Bea saw him from a far distance and became furious. She asked him to stay at home and now she finds him on a horse about to sneak out? What a stubborn and fool old man! The woman was about to scold the man when she saw him fall off his horse. Her eyes widened and a cry of dread escaped his lips before She ran towards him. Ben was ready to crash to the hard ground when someone grabbed him by the arms. — Are you all right, sir? The boy holding him questioned, he had gone to Reborn shortly after finding one of the posters that had been put up by the current employees, advertising the job openings. He was about to talk to someone about it, but eventually found the man falling off his horse. — Thank you very much, my friend. I felt a strong dizziness, and when I saw you had already held me — thanked Ben. The high-pitched scream heard earlier was getting closer, still calling for Ben. It was his wife, Bea, running worriedly toward the man who had been held up by the other. — You stubborn old man! Why don’t you listen to me? Look at you! If it wasn’t for this man, you would have fallen off your horse and be all bruised up — Bea spoke in distress before turning to the individual. — Thank you very much, sir. Could you please take him to the farm? With just a nod in agreement, the man took Ben, carefully, to the farm accompanied by Bea. The woman asked Chloe to bring him a glass of water for him and the boy who saved him. Ben was already more relaxed, his back leaning against the chair as he drank his water. Chloe looked at the man and, out of curiosity, quickly asked his name, resulting in Bea’s embarrassment, who quickly apologized to the man. The man just swayed his head with a small laugh, saying it was okay, and before he could say his name, the glass that was in his hand fell to the ground and his face assumed a surprised expression. Everyone looked at him confused and even frightened. However, no one knew that the real reason for his shock when he saw George

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