Farm Tales -Chapter 5 -“Reborn Farm”
The sun is rising. At the highest point of the property, the rooster Tino starts his song: “Cock-a-Doodle-Doo! Cock-a-Doodle-Doo! Cock-a-Doodle-Doo!” It’s time to wake up at the biggest and most beautiful farm in Rose Creek. In this city there are many other farms, however, the best known and most well-kept is the Reborn farm. The inhabitants of the city usually say that it is mystical, because in it everything is born and everything is created. Its soil and vegetation were unique, and ideal for any type of planting.
There are all kinds of trees there, from almost everywhere in the world. For example: wisteria¹, oak², beech with moss³, cherry³, flamboyant⁴, among others. There is a hill at the back of the farm, and from its top there is a spring, which gives rise to a small waterfall. Its current forms a river known as the “river of heaven” because it rises from the heights of the mountain. The river crosses one side of the farm and extends into the city.
However, Reborn is not only known for that. Its structure has corrals, a large chicken coop, pigsty, and much more.
In addition to all this, there are creations of the most varied fish in tanks, one more beautiful than the other and of the highest quality, such as the incredible real sturgeon⁶. In another place, a little further away, there is a Philippine bee farm7, which produce the best honey in the region. And there are also some animals that are better known and loved by the population, such as the Holstein8 cow Sammy, one of the largest milk producers in the city and surroundings.
For these and others things, the Reborn farm was called mystical. Employees are also very important in its functioning. Chloe — a skinny young woman, with shoulder-length hair and very messy — is the one who helps Bea with the housework, as well as loves and taking care of George. Chuck — a stressed and grumpy little pot-bellied one — is responsible for the cows and horses. He is always wearing the same hat and most of the time he chews a piece of hay. And finally, Bob, a bald, honey-loving man who takes care of fish and bees. We also have those who interact with the Reborn farm, like Arden the Veterinarian who visits the farm to take care of the Animals, also John the one who takes the farm’s products to sell them in town. All of them, together with George, make the farm an even more special place.
¹ Wisteria: 144-year-old Japanese wisteria.
² Oak: Japanese wild oak species found in Portland, Oregon,
³ Beech with Moss: Antarctic beech, covered with moss. This tree is native to Chile and Argentina.
⁴ Cherry: It blooms in Bonn, Germany.
⁵ Flamboyant: Originally from Madagascar.
⁶ Royal Sturgeon: It is considered one of the largest and oldest freshwater fish in the world, some live for well over a hundred years. Its species lives spread across Europe, Asia and America.
7 Philippine bees: (Apis nigrocincta) is present in the Philippines and Indonesia, it can start new hives throughout the year
8 Holstein: Dutch breed, specialized in the production of milk widely used in the world, known for being the largest producer of milk in volume, its standard feature is mottled, with spots, mostly black, on a white base.