Farm Tales- Chapter 4 “A New Farmer”

Farm Tales
4 min readNov 10, 2021


George grew up in the country side, playing and learning in that rural world. Amid the animals, the plantations and the simple life in the fields.

At the age of seven, he begun to learn the farm’s chores, as Ben was willing to teach the boy how everything worked from an early age.

– George, c’mere!

– Yes, grandpa. — The boy left his dolls on the floor and walked towards the old man.

– You’re giving corn to the chickens. — With a bag of corn in his hands, he took a few seeds and threw in the pen where the animals were, showing his grandson how to do it. — Don’t forget to the leave them in the chicken shack when you’re done.

– A’ight grandpa. I’ll do it.

George had fun feeding the chickens, doing his best to do the same as Mr. Ben had taught him. His greatest fun was playing with the chicks, which chirped in a cute and funny way when they were petted. In the end, he led everyone to the chicken shack and didn’t forget to close the small door that gave way to the fenced area of ​​the farm. After that, he went to his grandfather.

– There, grandpa. I’ve finished.

- What? Already? — The older one looked at him, surprised. — They ate everything? You were too fast.

– Yes, grandpa, they ate everything. And the chicks, too — he said proudly.

– If you say… well done, George! — congratulated him and ruffled his hair, pulling a happy smile from his grandson. — Let’s go to the pigsty now. — He started to walk while explaining everything about pigs. George followed, paying close attention to every word. — They eat everything. All leftover food can be given to them. Also, they are animals easy to raise. When they feel hot, they throw themselves in the mud to cool off, which is why they are always dirty.

“Okay, grandpa,” George was saying.

Ben taught him about cows and showed him the correct way to milk. George loved seeing it all up close. He was used to watching his grandparents working on the farm, but he always wanted to be a part of it too. Getting his hands dirty. Mr. Ben also showed him the garden and taught him about the beauty of being able to grow your own vegetables, greens, and spices. He also said that his wife, Bea, loved those plantations. George learned as much as he could, from the right days to water every type of green or vegetable to his grandfather’s tricks to plant anything in the best way possible.

And after all that, towards the end of the day, Ben put George on top of his horse, and together they went for a walk across the huge lot. When they reached a farther mount, where it was possible to have a very wide view of most of the territory, Ben said:

– George, look at this place. From here you can see almost the entire farm. Isn’t it beautiful?

- Yes, very beautiful grandpa — agreed George, watching that beautiful sight with admiration in his eyes.

- One day, when you grow up, you will take care of all this.

– But it’s impossible, grandpa! This is too big!

Ben chuckled and stared into his grandson’s eyes.

– When I run out of strength, you’ll take care of it and your grandma Bea. As well as animals, crops and everything else. Remember: today you are a child, but soon you will grow up to be a good and great man. Never forget to help people. Never allow the weak to be oppressed by the strong. Don’t be afraid of evil, nor of the dark. Be strong! And never harm anything and anyone. Can you promise me that?

– Yes, grandpa, I promise.

– That’s good, my child, that’s good. And even if the hard times do come, keep in mind that with persistence, you can overcome each one of them.

Smiling, Ben patted George’s head. The two remained there until sunset as they watched night fall over the Reborn farm.



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