Farm Tales Chapter 2 — The Arrival
One year later; planet Earth.
It was morning when an unknown comet arrived on earth. However, it was unlike any other I had ever seen. Upon entering the earth’s atmosphere, the celestial body began to lose its brightness and, at an unparalleled speed, emitting a beam of light as thin as a fingernail, hitting the ground. In the midst of the mess formed by the smoke and the destroyed soil, there was a child a little over one year old. The power of the crystal fed him and its energy contributed to his development while he was inside. The fire was taking over the affected area little by little, and getting closer and closer to the baby.
Meanwhile, on a farm called “Reborn”, Mr. Ben was tending his vegetable garden when, turning to pick up a utensil from the ground, he saw a point of smoke a few meters away. The first thought that occurred to him was that someone might have set fire to one of his plantations, so he abandoned what he was doing and ran towards it.
When he got there, he concluded that it was just dry leaves burning in the sun, as it was a very hot and dry morning. At least, that’s what he thought. The farmer doused the fire as best he could, using one of the hoses he had spread all over the land. He was about to go back to his chores when he heard crying near the trees.
Mr. Ben, curious and confused, followed the sound until he was close enough, and widened his eyes as he saw, among the burned plants and a lot of smoke, a baby.
– How did this child come here? — He thought aloud.
Without thinking twice, he took the child in his arms and took him directly to his house. Upon opening the door, he shouted:
– Bia! Bia! Come here, woman! Fast!
Upstairs in the house, as she finished combing her own hair, Bia heard her husband calling her.
– What do you want, man? I’m busy, dammit!
– Come now, Bia! I just found a child in the middle of the fire!
The woman widened her eyes.
– You said… A child?! She left the comb on the dresser and left the room. ‘Oh, Ben, if I go over there and you’re lying, I’m going to strip your hide.
Bia then went downstairs and went to the room, where Ben was, to understand what was going on. As soon as she set foot in the room, she squealed in amazement.
- My God! Ben, where did you find this child? — She approached the two and took the baby in her arms. — He’s all dirty, poor thing…. Who would be the madman who abandons a child under the hot sun, in the middle of the woods, with so many dangerous animals? What a bastard!
“And he was in the middle of the fire, too,” Ben said. — What an evil thing to do with a poor helpless child…
The little boy started crying again. Bia laid his head on her shoulder, trying to rock him, and that was enough to stop his crying.
- Do not cry, baby. Do not cry. I will take care of you.
The couple went to the bathroom of the house to clean him. Bia left him on the bench, looked at her husband and said:
– Ben, bring this kid some warm milk. Fast! Don’t just stand there looking at me.
The farmer nodded and was about to leave, but was called again:
- Wait! Warm the bath water first. I’m going to give him a bath. Look… this boy in this weird black outfit and… — She squinted as she noticed something. — What’s that around his neck? A necklace?! What a danger! I’ll take it off right now.
Bia laid the little boy down to try to remove the necklace without hurting him, however, as soon as she touched the object, a strong and almost blinding light filled the room, while an unknown voice said:
“Please take care of this child. His name is George and one day he will be very important to the universe. ”
In the same second, both the light and the voice were gone. Startled, Bia screamed:
– Ben! What was this haunting? Did you hear too?
- Yes, I heard — he replied, also scared and very amazed. — I think we should turn this child over to the police.
- No! Do not do this. He’s hungry, needs a shower and a lot of rest. Those cops don’t even know how to take care of criminals, let alone a child. We’ll settle this tomorrow.
Ben decided not to insist and refilled the tub with hot water.
– Chloe! Run here! — Called Bia. A few seconds later, the girl who worked helping with household chores appeared at the bathroom door.
– Hi, mama.
- I already told you to stop calling me ‘mama,’ Chloe. — Bia recalled.
– Sorry, Miss Bia — she asked and, just then, noticed the child lying on the countertop. — Whose is this baby?
- I do not know. Now please go heat the milk. Ben, bring a towel and soap. — The two nodded, going to do as they were asked. — Fast! We don’t have all day!
And so, George was welcomed by Bia and Ben. From that day forward, he would have a family, a special home.